Archive for May, 2010


Finally President Obama does something that makes me smile!

Invisible Children just posted this on their website:

After a five year quest to get the attention of the United States government, we have done it.

President Obama agreed to a signing ceremony in the Oval Office for the signing of the LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act! After the unbelievable rallying we all did to see this bill pass unanimously through Congress, and the props they gave us on the House floor (I’ll never forget that for the rest of my life), we have seen impossible dreams come true.

After the bill’s unanimous passage, we asked the White House for a signing ceremony with the President so that we could hold him accountable to this mandate and see Joseph Kony arrested.

On Saturday, President Obama accepted our request and invited us to the Oval Office on Monday.

Today, Monday, May 24th at 5pm est, Senator Inhofe, Congressmen McGovern and Royce, Jason, Laren, Ben Keesey, Resolve Uganda’s Michael Poffenberger and Lisa Dougan, and the Enough Project’s John Prendergast stood in the Oval Office, circled around President Barack Obama as he signed into law the bill we have carried so far.

Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) commented on the signing of the bill, saying, “This bill’s success is due to the grassroots effort of young people across the U.S. committed to ending the atrocities of Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army.” It has been your rallying, your phone calls, letters, emails, activism, and voices that have won this victory. The war is not over, but the stage has been set for justice.

“Our mission now is to make sure that the President uses the mandate it provides from Congress and the American people to do everything he can to see LRA violence ended once and for all.”  – Lisa Dougan, Resolve.


Wilderness Outcry has been cancelled

Dutch Sheets just posted this message on the Wilderness Outcry website:

Dear Friend of DSM and Wilderness Outcry,

We are very sorry to announce that due to a lack of funds, the large 5-day gathering called Wilderness Outcry will no longer take place this upcoming summer. We believe this vision is of the Lord, and certainly no one can deny the desperate need of our nation for prayer, but the reality is that provision for the high cost of doing an event like this – most of which must be paid in advance – has simply not materialized.

This was never intended to be a money-making event. Without charging a registration fee for attending, we knew our costs would be several hundred thousand dollars. We were confident we could raise this money. We were wrong. The line between true faith and presumption can be very fine sometimes, and our ability to truly discern God’s will can be difficult. Obviously, we fell short in both areas.

We are saddened and grieved with this development and repent for any presumption on our part. We sincerely ask your forgiveness for any inconvenience this has caused you.

For those of you who have registered and paid for a campsite, we will issue you a full refund. For those of you who have donated to Wilderness Outcry, you will be receiving a personal email from my office.

To contact my office with any questions, email:

For awakening,
Dutch Sheets


Google/Droids are taking over the world

Saw a couple posts today about the Droid and Google that I thought were interesting:



The King Still Has One More Move

I heard this story  in 2005 at a Christian Conference in Pittsburgh. I just stumbled  upon it online after a few years of forgetting about it. I thought it might fit where we are as a nation and world:

I was at an art gallery with my friends, perusing the paintings and just walking through, pretending to have a greater appreciation for art than I actually held. My friend got stuck on one of the paintings, a piece titled “Checkmate” that depicted a chess game at (you guessed it) checkmate. He stood there for over an hour, while I walked through the whole gallery and back. I stood there with him for a few moments, quickly became bored again, and began to walk away for my second circuit of the room. However, as I did, he shouted, “The king still has ONE MORE MOVE!”

Why would the artist paint this scene incorrectly? There are millions of finished chess games in the world, millions of scenarios that would have allowed for a correct label to the scene. However, the artist decided to say that, contrary to all appearances of checkmate, the king still had one more move.

Isn’t this something like life? As Christians surrounded by a hopeless looking world, it often feels as though we’re pawns in a losing game of chess. As though we’re fighting when the game is already finished, when the King has been defeated, and Satan has won. As though nothing we do will stop the fact that the King has left this world, and God is absent from all the misery and pain felt by people here. However, as in the painting, the KING STILL HAS ONE MORE MOVE. See, Jesus died, and that should have been the end. A miracle happened, and he rose, but then he left this world. Shouldn’t that have been the end? Hell has been given free reign over this earth, just look around. There are earthquakes, shootings, pickpockets, failing grades, corrupt politicians, gossip, bad parents, suicide, tornadoes, depression, guilt, failed relationships, child molesters, eating disorders, AIDS, orphans, starvation. However…

The King still has ONE more move.

Look again. See love, sports, joy, gifts, swingsets, preschoolers, grandparents, friends, family, college, art, music, Apple Computers, hugs, bonfires, beaches, sunsets, laughter, HOPE. The King is here, and he is playing. And one day he will end Hell’s temporary reign.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

-Revelation 21:4


BREAKING NEWS: Piranhas are on the loose in Nashville’s Opry Mills (no lie)

So a really big tank broke during the flood.

And all the fish got out.

Most died because they were saltwater fish.


If it’s your job to clean up Opry Mills be careful!



A powerful reminder to wear your seatbelt!


The President of THE Ohio State University joins students in a dancing flash mob (Video)

The President of The Ohio State University joined a few hundred students in creating a dancing flash mob in the university’s new student union:



Christian Arrested for Saying Homosexuality is a sin

A street preacher in the UK says he was arrested for saying that homosexuality is a sin to a passing shopper. He was arrested under the Public Order Act, which was enacted in the 80s to curb football hooliganism …

(From Relevant Magazine)

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